After we establish and verify trademark clearance and availability of your trademark, a Trademark Attorney prepares your application and files it with the Trademark Office.
Trademark Application: Choosing an experienced Trademark Attorney can help you save time, money and avoid loss or restriction of trademark rights, or a USPTO Refusal to register your mark. This is why our experienced Trademark Attorneys prepare and file your Trademark Registration Application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
Every word made a part of a trademark application has a certain legal meaning and significance. Failure to use proper wording or legal teminaology can result in severe consequences or limitations, which may include, loss or restriction of trademark rights or refusal to register a mark.
Preparing a trademark application requires knowledge of Trademark Law, experience, and careful planning. It is not just a fill-in-the-blank process. What goes into the content of a application determines the scope and extent of any trademark rights you may obtain. This is why having a Trademark Attorney prepare and file your application is critical.
Our experienced Trademark Attorneys prepare trademark applications intended to seek the broadest scope of protection for your trademark. Most importantly, all applications are designed to give your mark the best chance to quickly and efficiently mature into a registered trademark capable of being protected and withstanding challenge.